Commissioner of Health Richardson Presents Pandemic H1N1 Display Poster to Harbour, SMMC & Labor Dep

Commissioner of Public Health Hyacinth Richardson on Monday presented eight display posters related to the Pandemic A H1N1-2009 Virus to the Port of St. Maarten, St. Maarten Medical Center and the Labour Department.  


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The posters carry preventative information reminding the general public to continue to take preventative measures and alerting them to the symptoms of H1N1. Contact particulars are also provided where members of the community can get additional information.

Commissioner of Public Health Hyacinth Richardson continues to be an advocate for preventative actions to be taken by members of the community to prevent the spread of the Pandemic A H1N1-2009 virus.

The Commissioner continues to appeal to the community to continue maintaining high standards of hygiene such as washing your hands often, cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or into your sleeve, and keeping a safe distance from persons with a flu-like illness.

The poster displays were supplied by Ronny Busby of Limelite Media.

This communication effort is an on-going collaboration between Sector Public Health, Social Development & Labour, Preventive Health Department (VSA) and the Government Information Service (GIS).

Persons seeking additional information should contact Preventive Health Department at telephone numbers: 542-3003 or 542-3553 or visit the following websites: or for more information on Pandemic Influenza A(H1N1-2009) virus also referred to as swine flu.