Oranje School 6th graders visit USM as part of Upward Bound Initiative

The University of St. Martin (USM) hosted over 50 Oranje School sixth grade students on Wednesday as part of USM’s Upward Bound Initiative program. The program, now in its third year, is designed to encourage students to do well in school, focus on completing high school, and consider college and career possibilities from a younger age. 

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On Wednesday, the students, accompanied by teachers, were given a tour of the USM’s campus by Admissions Director Angeligue Hazel (photo left) and they then attended a workshop facilitated by Marketing Director Michel Chance (photo right). During the workshop they received information on career areas they are interested in and the educational paths needed to accomplish such. The workshop concluded with study tips and basic information about USM being given to the students. The sixth grade students will be sitting exams later this year to determine which secondary schools they will be attending. Earlier this month sixth grade students from Sister Marie Laurence and Learning Unlimited schools visited USM as part of the program. More of the island’s elementary schools are expected to participate in the Upward Bound Initiative in the coming months.