Results for St.Maarten’s 2010 Cross Country Run

The St. Maarten Amature Athletic Association in collaboration with the Lab Sports Academy has held it’s first event for 2010. This event was a CROSS COUNTRY RUN held at the Emilio Wilson Park.  

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Date: SUNDAY DECEMBER 10th 2010


TIME: 1:30 PM. To 4:00 PM.


There were a total of 18 Athletes who signed up for this event.

We expected a larger turn out. But still this event went down as a success. The attendance was split up in 3 categories.

Category Nr 1. 1000 meters: (Three Quarter Mile)

Winners: Johny Elizee – time 4 Min.21 sec.

Raigel Ranis – time 4 Min. 25 sec.

Ejomar Shillingford 5 Min 00 sec.

Category Nr 2. 2000 Meters: (1 ½ Mile)

Winner: Brandon Webster – Time 8 Min 34 sec

Leshawn Brown – Time 8Min 36 sec.

Jason Clair – Time 9 Min 00 sec.

Category Nr 3. 3000 Meters: (2 1/4 Mile)

Winner: Chris George – Time 9 Min 20 sec.

Rainer Ranis – Time 9 Min 45 sec.

Brian Clair – Time11 Min 50sec.


Other participants were:

Edwin Ruan / Tarique / Sylvine / Rachelle Cazimir / Rayenne Ranis / Ejanee Shillingford / Jason Clair / Adiel Mercedez.

Thank you goes out to the Management of the Emilio Wilson Park for permitting us to make use the Park. We are looking forward to again making use next year.

This event was seen as a TEST CASE, to see how the Track athletes, especially those of the distance event stand with their stamina.

Next on the schedule for the Lab Sports Academy is the 8th Annual OYSTERBAY YOUTH TENNIS OPEN.

This event is schedule to start on the 22nd of January, 2010 and played the first weekend during the AUSTRALIAN OPEN.