Press Release from the newly formed United Task Force Against Crime

Various Community Councils on the island met Monday night in effort to join forces against the rising crime in the various districts.


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The Community Councils all agreed that crime is out of control and is affecting everyone and in every district, regardless of age, status or nationality.

The senseless murders along with the alarming rise of home robberies, day time home invasions and countless attacks on our citizens and tourists leave many in our communities with a wide feeling of insecurity and powerlessness.

It is within this context that it was decided to form a task force group representing all community councils on the island along with the business community. One representative of each council is on the task force and the task force will be putting together a series of activities with the main goal of finding solutions to the crimes in the various communities as well as putting pressure on the Central Government for providing more police manpower and tools to fight crime and deter criminals.

One of the first events planned is a panel discussion slated for Sunday January 10th. at the Belair Community Center from 6pm-8pm. More details on the panel discussion will be released during the course of the week.

The Community Councils are urging everyone to come out and attend the panel discussion as the general public can hear and offer feedback on how crime can be prevented in and around their neighborhood.

Community Councils who were not in attendance at the meeting on Monday night, have been allotted a space on the task force and may still play a role in the upcoming series of events. Those Community Councils are urged to contact the Task Force representatives;

Chairman Mr.Clarence Richardson, Lenny Priest, Henry Lynch and Jadira Veen