Annual Thanksgiving Service

The Annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving service will take place on Sunday December 6th 2009 in front of the Government Administration Building. The service will start at 4:30pm and it is a joint service hosted by various churches on our island.


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The general public is invited to come out to give thanks collectively for the safe passing of the 2009 hurricane season. The service will consist of praise & worship, songs and the spoken word. All are encouraged to come out and give the almighty God thanks for bringing us safely through another year.

During the service the annual lighting ceremony will take place to ring in the Christmas season.

A love offering will be received, which will go towards providing food baskets for less fortunate persons in the community for Christmas.

Individuals, groups, organizations, businesses etc. are encouraged to contribute to the food baskets by providing non-perishable food items.

You can contact the Department of Social Cultural Development to drop-off or call 5422056 for picking-up the food items.