Press Release f rom the Mental Health Foundation: Cooper Union New York Tennis Lab with MHF clients


To whom it may concern;


Today November 12, 2009 Cooper Union College engineering students, Christina Tu, Mike Kumaresan and Mike Ketigian together with their coach Dean Baker held a tennis lab with MHF clients at the Bel-Air community center. They arrived yesterday on St. Martin’s day and are leaving Sunday.

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Dean Stephen Baker visits St. Maarten annually with a basketball team and the tennis pros that play some of our top players. Regardless of their busy schedule, they made time to work with the Day Care clients of the MHF.

The clients mentors Benjamin Jones, Abdule Wattley and Gladys Labadie were also present as well as volunteer George Richards who does arts and sports with the clients on a weekly basis. Sports are an important part of the client’s curriculum, three times per week they go to the Raoul Illidge sports complex. Track and field, bocce, tennis and baseball are some of the sports that they practice.

Mike Katigian says it was an awesome experience playing with the clients and the clients were thrilled to play with real pros.

The Bel-air community center sponsored the court for the occasion.

It was a great treat for the clients and the foundation’s staff is grateful for the opportunity offered them and hopes that it will become an annual event.

Thanks to all,

Eileen Healy MHF director