De Weever attends consultation meeting in Panama

Cornelius De Weever assistant HIV/AIDS Programme Manager recently attended the "Regional Consultation on Men who have Sex with Men (MSM), Transgender and HIV: Partnerships for Universal Access" three day meetings in Panama.


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This consultation has been organized by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in cooperation with other UNAIDS co-sponsors as a means of strengthening the national responses to HIV for MSM and transgender persons. By using working documents based on existing documents and ongoing sub regional consultations, the consultation aims to provide the key elements for three products, namely, a guide for minimal national requirements for an effective national response to HIV for MSM and transgender persons; guideline for UNAIDS co-sponsors in supporting national response and a UNDP regional strategy for HIV, MSM and transgender persons.

Results expected out of this three day meeting are: Identification and consensus of the basic elements for key documents; UNDP regional strategy for supporting effective responses to gay and other MSM and transgender in the context of HIV in the Latin American and Caribbean region; Clarity on moving forward and increased commitment of stakeholders.