Certificate presentation ceremony to the VOSEC and CIB department

(AUDIO AVAILABLE) A Certificate presentation ceremony to the VOSEC and CIB department for the Customer Service and Productivity Improvement Training course was held at the John Larmonie Center on Wednesday October 21, 2009 at 3:00 pm.


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Mr.Clarence Richardson who was the instruction of the seminar.

The seminar started on September 29th 2009 and was finialized on October 21st 2009 with the giving out of certificates. A total of 10 sessions were held, with 30-25 persons grouped in 2 groups.

Points that were handled during the seminar were the behaviours and attitudes in which the persons were treating the work they do and the people that come in to recieve help and assisstance.

Two main reminders were respect and change. They were reminded to respect each other and especially those who came in for assisstance in the workplace. And change comes from themselves in order for them to see changes within the business place and its customers.