Fire Commander Winston Salomon is calling on the community to cease from lighting fires in their yards as the smoke is a nuisance to neighbors and also poses a risks to property with respect to possibly leading to a bush fire in the area that could get out of control.
The fire department has received a number of complaints from residents about persons burning leaves, garbage etc in their yards.
In order to reduce the chance of a bush fire near a neighborhood, restrictions are applied to where fires can be lit, and this is done in order to protect lives and property.
Persons who would like to burn bush or rubbish in a built up area or on a hillside for agricultural activities, should first contact the fire department for advice. The inappropriate use of fire can endanger the environment.
"Fires can get out of control. Every homeowner has a responsibility to make sure that they don’t cause any situations that could result in their neighbor suffering damage to his or her property due to a yard fire that gets out of control," Fire Commander Salomon told the Government Information Service (GIS) on Wednesday.
Those seeking information can contact the Fire Department at 542-1215, 542-1217, 543-1316, 543-1318 or emergency number 919 which is only to be used for emergencies.