Bloodstained clothes forwarded to Forensic Institute


WILLEMSTAD — The blood-stained jeans which was found at Baya Beach on Friday afternoon, was forwarded to the Dutch Forensic Institute (NFI) in Rijswijk on Sunday together with other samples of the location.


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The clothes possibly belong to the vice-consul James Hogan (49) who is missing since Thursday evening, but the NFI is yet to give a definite answer. Officer of Justice Ludmilla Vicento stated the aforementioned during the press conference yesterday. For the time being, the authorities are assuming that the man is missing, but they are also taking into account all scenarios from a crime, a kidnapping to an assault. A team from the NFI with four specially trained dogs arrived on the island last Sunday. The area surrounding Baya Beach at the peninsula of the Caracas Bay is fenced off until further notice. Family, colleagues, and neighbors have meanwhile been heard, but this did not yield any results yet.
Hogan left his home in Toni Kunchi for a walk on Thursday evening but did not return. His wife filed a missing person report on Friday morning.

That Friday morning the criminal investigation department of the police corps started a search along the route that Hogan usually walked. The surrounding of Toni Kunchi has been searched. On Friday afternoon, the Public Prosecutor and the police started with the Team Large-scaled Search (TGO), which consists of fifteen to twenty persons. The police circulated an official missing person report later on. This led to tips, which are currently being investigated. That afternoon, clothes were found at the peninsula. The search was then directed towards that area. Members of the coastguard, the navy, and the American navy searched the entire surrounding, while divers from the Dutch navy searched underwater, and helicopters took to the air. The search site was covered with a tent.

The confirmation regarding the presence of FBI-members on the island to investigate Hogan’s disappearance, still remained forthcoming yesterday. The official search is in the hands of the Antillean authorities, Vicento stated. From government circles, there is close contact with the American consulate and the embassy. The American media have already announced the disappearance but have not descended on Curaçao yet. In any case, the police are prepared for this, according to spokesperson Reginald Huggins.