‘The most undemocratic list ever’

WILLEMSTAD — PAR-Chairman Glenn Sulvaran describes the combination-list of MAN, NPA and FK as the most undemocratic list that had ever entered the elections. "These parties are against the political process and as such oppose the wish of a majority of the population."


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The parties, MAN, NPA, and FK united for the first time during the campaign en route to the referendum of May 15th. Under the name Vota Nò, they strongly supported the No-option. On the day of the referendum, it finally appeared that the Yes-camp had won the referendum by a slight difference of a little more than 3000 votes. However, the three parties stated that they would respect the outcome of the referendum, but eventually – for various reasons – they voted against the council decision by which the Island Council ratified the outcome of the referendum.
Ever since the referendum, the parties have not attempted to disguise their objections against the political plans of the coalition parties. This is reason for Sulvaran to wonder how these parties could oppose the wish of a majority of the population, if they stick to their objections against the political process. "This means that they are being very undemocratic. The majority of the population has spoken and that should be respected. It they do not respect such, then they are the most undemocratic list that has ever participated with an election."

This morning, MAN-leader Charles Cooper repeated that the parties would stick to their No. "Nos Nò ta keda nò (Our no is a definite no). We will stick to our no and there is no discussion possible." Cooper did not wish to comment this morning on Sulvaran’s statements and emphasized that the parties of the combination-list will not be enticed to a discussion before they have straightened everything out internally. "The viewpoints of the three parties are similar. We want to bring everything into line before we come forward, and we will be organizing a workshop for this purpose. We are aware that our political opponents will do their utmost to play us off against one another."