As of September 21, new passports will include bearer’s finger prints


Persons applying for a new Dutch passport on or after September 21, 2009, will be informed when they apply for a passport at the Civil Registry Department on Pond Island, that their finger prints will now also be included.


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The new requirement is based on a European Union (EU) regulation of 2004 which is aimed at combating the misuse and abuse of travel documents.

Since August 26, 2006, passports contain a chip which carries the following information about the bearer: photograph, forenames and surname, date of birth, sex, nationality, document number, citizen service number, document expiry date, and country of issue.

The recording of ones finger print is compulsory, except in certain special cases. If it is physically impossible for you to provide fingerprints, you will be issued with a five-year travel document that does not include fingerprints.

If you are temporarily unable to provide fingerprints, you can either wait until it is possible, or you can be issued a travel document with a maximum validity of 12-months. Finger prints are not taken from children under the age of 12-years.

When applying for travel documents or a new Dutch passport on or after September 21, 2009, you will need to supply all the old travel documents that you have; a photograph that complies with the statutory requirements; and funds to cover the administrative costs of the process.

If your passport was stolen or got lost, a certified copy of the official police report has to be provided to the Civil Registry Department when applying for a Dutch passport.

From June 26, 2012, children will not be included in their parent’s passport. They will need to have their own travel documents.

For more information you can visit the following website: