Brief remarks by Mrs.Williams on10th anniversary of Sint Maarten – Tallahassee Sister City Agreement


Some brief remarks by the leader of the Democratic Party, Council lady and former Commissioner of Education, Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Sint Maarten – Tallahassee Sister City Agreement.
On this, the 10th anniversary, we can look back on a long and productive relationship.


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Over the years, the officials of the city of Tallahassee have remained committed to our island and the agreement we established 10 years ago. This was evident in the MOU I was privileged to sign just a few months ago. This MOU came about after once again re-establishing the ties and examining new and real possibilities for cooperation. New and renewed opportunities have been identified in the areas of health, trade and economy, tourism and public services. The area of which I am extremely proud however is that of Education. From day 1 of this agreement, education became the shining star of the sister city agreement. That we have obtained and maintained in-state tuition for our St.Maarten students is nothing short of spectacular. I attribute the longevity of this agreement to the caring persons who have adopted this agreement and are still committed to its execution. Many persons fall in this category and as we celebrate 10 years of friendship, the late Commissioner Billings deserves special mention for his foresight, city manager Anita Favors -Thompson for her commitment and commissioner Proctor for his passion. There are many more, starting with the office of the Mayor, the Links foundation and the officials at the educational facilities our students attend. The linking pin function has been superbly carried out by Mr. Arthur Lugisse over the years. All in all, on this anniversary, time to look back gratefully and ahead with determination of bigger things yet to come. To those on St.Maarten and in Tallahassee who have kept the flame burning, my sincere thanks and to the government and people of Tallahassee, thank you for honoring me with the key to your beautiful city, testimony of the lasting ties between Sint Maarten and Tallahassee.