Godett: Overseas branches UTS must close

WILLEMSTAD — "The UTS-branches outside the Antilles, on St. Kitts, in the Netherlands and Surinam must all be closed in due course", FOL-deputy and president-commissioner of the national telecom company, Anthony Godett (Infrastructure) stated. In this, he responded to the unrest after the announced reorganization at UTS.


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Godett stated in a reaction that it was not logic that the profit of UTS in the Antilles is used to cover the losses of the overseas activities of the company. "The company makes profit, but the activities of the daughter companies abroad all work at a loss. The profit should not be wasted abroad. The Board of Directors (RvC) of UTS is deliberating upon this, but if it was up to me, the branches on St. Kitts, in the Netherlands and Surinam – in that order – would be closed", Godett said this morning. However, he did comment that the UTS-branch in Surinam, Uniqa, had received one year to realize a turnaround.
According to the FOL-leader, the profit made by UTS should not be drained off to tide over those loss-making daughter companies abroad. "These profits should be used to invest in the company and our community. The company should also do its utmost to keep up with the latest developments on technological field. The competition is simply expanding. UTS should compete with new players on the market which are all supported by strong parent companies and have a lot of money to invest."

Five million dollars
According to various rumors, the reorganization at UTS which is about to take place, is supposedly based on a drawn up report by a yet unknown consultant, costing five million dollars. Godett said he had not seen any report. "I’m not aware of anything. I shall ask UTS-director Paul de Geus to forward me the report today. What kind of paper is this report printed on?" Godett wonders.
The president-commissioner of UTS is of the opinion that nobody may be dismissed through the reorganization at UTS. He considers the upgrading of personnel the most important condition to avoid dismissals. According to Godett, the RvC and management should meet within short to discuss the latest developments at UTS.
However, Godett does indicate that Sitkom, the trade union of the personnel of the telecom company, does have a point. "I agree with them, when they indicate that they require clarity. This is lacking at the moment. There are too many contradicting statements from the management. I hope that they will soon resume the dialogue, but if they cannot work this out, then I will not hesitate to step in, in order to restore the peace within the company."

According to various rumors, the reorganization at UTS which is about to take place, is supposedly based on a drawn up report by a yet unknown consultant, costing five million dollars. Godett said he had not seen any report. "I’m not aware of anything. I shall ask UTS-director Paul de Geus to forward me the report today. What kind of paper is this report printed on?" Godett wonders.The president-commissioner of UTS is of the opinion that nobody may be dismissed through the reorganization at UTS. He considers the upgrading of personnel the most important condition to avoid dismissals. According to Godett, the RvC and management should meet within short to discuss the latest developments at UTS.However, Godett does indicate that Sitkom, the trade union of the personnel of the telecom company, does have a point. "I agree with them, when they indicate that they require clarity. This is lacking at the moment. There are too many contradicting statements from the management. I hope that they will soon resume the dialogue, but if they cannot work this out, then I will not hesitate to step in, in order to restore the peace within the company."