Open letter to the Management of the KPSSS from Inspector Carlton PHILIPS


Philipsburg, 15 September 2009


I, Carlton PHILIPS, have taken note of your undated press release in the media on September 15 2009.

Your kind attention is requested for the following:


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Point number 1

Management failed to acknowledge that I, Carlton PHILLIPS, requested since February 11 2009 that an investigation be carried out concerning the accusation of "destruction of information" (in 2002). I am certain that management is aware of the fact that this is punishable by law (article 366 of the penal code of the Netherlands Antilles). I have indicated several times that I am innocent, that someone fabricated a lie, and requested that an investigation be carried out. I also indicated, that my name should be cleared and that I will not rest until my good name and honor is restored. A person’s credibility, honor and character are very sacred. Management paid no attention to my request. It seems that the fact that the open letter which appeared on September 10 th and 11, 2009, in the newspapers and on the internet finally convinced the Management of the KPSSS that I am very serious about this matter.

Point number 2

I also, believed that this issue involves an internal personnel matter. Had management dealt with this internal personnel matter in a professional and speedy manner, there would have been no reason for me going public. The fact that management indicated that no further announcement will be made at this time, is for the account of management. Management also indicated that the accusations that were launched in general terms, will be investigated. Take your time. For my part you can take another seven months to investigate these accusation, and whatever other matter you choose to investigate.

I am clean and I am determined in my quest for justice.

Point number 3

The fact that management indicated that, in general terms, management would like to say that it works hard to constantly improve the quality of the KPSSS should be applauded. That management is ambitious to always appoint the most suitable candidate within the corps when a vacancy is available is something tremendous and should be encouraged.


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In January 2009, Mr Richard PANNEFLEK left his post as acting chief of police. In February 2009, another person was approached and appointed to this position. There was no selection procedure. There was no other candidate. This means that, in this particular case, no mention can be made of "the most suitable candidate". I can vividly remember that the former minister of justice indicated that the present acting chief of police will have to upgrade himself. I sincerely belief that his advice should be followed as soon as possible. This could maybe, lead to greater trust within the police organization.

Point number 4

Mention is made of the fact that the candidate that is not appointed to a position may protest the rejection of his candidacy.

I believe that management is trying hard to deviate from the core of my open letter. There is no need to mention anything about court for civil servants. After being on the force for 35 years I definitely know the procedure.

Further, the issue at hand is not the position that was awarded to the most suitable candidate, but the big lie that was fabricated. For me that position is something of the past. I believe that management is underestimating the intelligence of the people and that this statement is misleading.

With god’s blessings, I am looking toward a bright future, hoping that soon we will have a police organization consisting of honest, dedicated and professional people in the Management team. All this, in preparation for country St. Maarten.



Your friend and colleague