Raffle Winners from NAGICO Diabetes Testing


Diabetes testing does have its benefits, as Mr. Neville Lake and Mrs. Annette Robin found out on Friday 4th September 2009 on receiving their raffle prize from NAGICO Insurances. Mr. Lake and Mrs. Robin were just two (2) of the seven (7) persons randomly chosen to receive a prize from those who participated in diabetes testing at NAGICO Insurances a week earlier.


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The prize, a book entitled "A Practical Guide To Health – Diabetes, Scientific and Natural Treatments", provides information on identifying, preventing and controlling diabetes through scientific and natural treatments. Mr. Lake stated "I am very pleased to have received this book. My wife and several other people that I know have diabetes. I can learn a lot that will help us in the never ending quest to deal with this potentially deadly sickness."

The joint effort between NAGICO Insurances and the St. Maarten Diabetes Foundation on Friday August 28th 2009 started slightly before 10 AM and lasted until 2 PM, resulting in 110 persons being tested for free. The aim of this health focused event was to spread the word about Diabetes and the steps which should be taken towards reducing health risks and increasing health awareness in the community.

The NAGICO staff also greatly benefited from the diabetes testing that was done at the NAGICO head office. NAGICO Accounts clerk Mrs. Robin who also received a book said, "Sometimes you might not have the time to visit the hospital or your physician, what NAGICO has offered is convenience. I believe that the entire staff probably got tested, because of the convenience. It really shows that NAGICO management is looking out for the well being of its staff and the community by allowing the testing to take place here."

The other winners of the "A practical guide to health – Diabetes, Scientific and Natural Treatments." Books were

Claudine Brooks, Collin Hylton, Daveline Barry, Julian Vincent and Elle Patrick Mathew .