Windward Islands Bank launches HIV awareness art contest with Sister Borgia


The Windward Islands Bank represented by Ferdinand Beauperthuy, Business Development/Marketing Head at the bank on Friday introduced the HIV awareness/prevention art contest to the students of the sixth grade of the Sister Borgia School.


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Prior to giving the students information about the art contest, Beauperthuy introduced Cornelius de Weever, HIV/AIDS Assistant Programme Manager to the class, who gave a brief 101 session on HIV/AIDS. At the end of the session there were many questions from the students regarding the presentation that De Weever gave, which gave them much insight into the disease.

Beauperthuy explained to the six graders at the end of De Weever’s presentation, that their work will be judged for the best title and art that illustrates HIV awareness prevention. In addition, the winning art will be made into a bumper sticker that Sister Borgia School will sell to raise funds for the St. Maarten AIDS Foundation.

The art competition officially kicked off on Friday, September 4 and closes at 12PM on September 25. The students will have the entire month of November to sell the bumper stickers with the funds being donated on World AIDS Day, December 1, 2009 to the St. Maarten AIDS Foundation.

The prizes for the top three art works are as follows:

1st prize: Naf 300,- WIB Youth Savings (bumper sticker); 2nd prize: NAF 150,- WIB Youth Savings; 3rd prize: Naf 100,- WIB Youth Savings. Judging will be done by Windward Islands Bank Marketing Department and graphic artist.

Each [RED] business was asked to adopt a school for 2009 and engage in an HIV/AIDS related activity with that school since the focus is on the youth this year.

Sister Borgia School was adopted by Windward Islands Bank for this year’s [RED] Campaign.