DP Meeting September 1st 2009


On Tuesday September 1st 2009, the DP Party held their weekly press conference to discuss the latest issues of the DP Party and the Island Government.


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Mrs.Sarah Wescot-Williams opened the meeting. Her first issue was on the recent Island Council meetings that were held for the month of August, which took three sessions because of adjournments. Other issues she touched on were on the reduction of tax and income and profit tax. She questioned the drafts for Country St.Maarten that are ready. She spoke also on compulsary  education and on the dollarization issue that is an ongoing discussion within the Netherlands Antilles for some time now, plus on the upcoming 2010 elections.

Mr.Roy Marlin took the floor next. His issues he addressed were on the GEBE Department, which is expecting to make a loan of $40 million. He is asking for action to be taken on that matter. His other concern was on the financial statements of 2008 & on the land in Hope Estate. He touched some points in the tourism area also and on the interceps in the Netherlands & their resigning of the contracts. Mr.Roy Marlin is calling on the Government to do their job in St.Maarten.

Mr.Petrus DeWeever was next to have his say in the meeting. His first point was in connection with his voting against the ammendment during the Island Council Meeting on Monday 31st August 2009. Another point was on the appointments of candidates for the Coorprative Council.