Commissioner Marlin hands out trophies at Belvedere Sports Day

On Sunday afternoon, August 30, 2009, the Belvedere Home Owners and Tenants Association held its 5th Annual Fun and Sports Day on the sporting area of the residential community.


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There were competitions in Basketball, Soccer, and Bike racing, while there were demonstrations in Tae Kwon Do and K-9(Guard Dog).

There were a few hundred persons that attended the event, where there were stands of food and with cakes, face painting, bouncers, swimming pools, domino playing, among other activities.

Commissioner William Marlin was on hand to take part in the event.

He said that the home owners and tenant association should be commended on their anniversary and for having another successful Sports and Fun day.

Commissioner Marlin was also on hand to provide the winners of the soccer match with the trophies.