Saba Government holds Department Head meeting for August

This past week, a Department Head meeting was called to order and chaired by Island Secretary, Menno van der Velde. Van der Velde announced that some training programs will be forthcoming in the areas of Dutch, Business Computing, Writing, and LMA issues.


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The biggest topic of discussion was a follow-up to the handling of Government projects. The island Secretary explained that "projects are not up to par because of the combination of inexperience and also a lack for departmental capacity." This topic was addressed earlier on in the week by the Executive Council seeking to rectify the slow processing of Government projects. Menno van der Velde explained that he will have more time to dedicate to the super vision of each departments projects. Furthermore, a Project Manager should be available to assist as well. A system is now being designed for the tracking of all projects in one repository.

Some notable Department updates were:

· Census Office being flooded due to expansion of the Government Building

· Tourist Bureau began printing their new brochures for Saba as well as website updates

· The IT network is being expanded to include all Government remote departments on one secure network.

· Public Works stated it is ready to start the project to pave the road to the stone crusher.

The next meeting is scheduled to be on September 16th 2009.

Source: Saba Government Information Services – gi*@sa*****.com