Island Council Meeting of August 31st 2009


The Island Council Meeting that was held on August 31st 2009, was a continuation of the previous Island Council Meeting that was held on August 13th 2009, whereby the adjournment took place on August 20th 2009.


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That meeting that was adjourned on August 20th, ended off at Hogelijkestemming.

During the latest meeting on August 31st 2009, a voting took place in connection with agenda point 4, where the executive council proposed to have ammendments to the articles of incooperation of the St.Maarten Telecommunications Holding Company N.V., the St.Maarten Laboratory Service N.V. & the Stichting Kadaster & Hypotheek Weizen.

Numbers were drawn, which represented each Island Council Memeber present or not, to vote if they were for or against the ammendment.

Mr.Roy Marlin & Mrs.Sarah Wescot-Williams both motivated their vote, by drawing attention to the promised documents which the Island Council Memembers have not yet recieved.

Mrs.Maria Buncamper-Molanus & Mr.William Marlin also gave a motivation to their both, by expressing the way the Island Council handled themselves in the previous meeting.

Mr.Petrus DeWeever also gave a motivation, but detoured from giving a vote.

After tallying the 10 votes , the results were 9 ”for & 1 ”against”.

The Chairman then gave approval to the Coorperate Governance to ammend the statutes of the companies.