Bestuursacademie branches out to the BES Islands

  On Tuesday, Mr. Ruud Koopman and Jan Vos from the Bestuursacademie Nederland met with Commissioner Zagers to discuss the expansion of their company to the Antilles. Bestuursacademie is known…

Council lady Sarah Wescot-Williams requests copies of all objections filed against the ring road

On Monday, June 22nd, Council lady Wescot-Williams on behalf of the Democratic Party faction in the island council requested the Lt. Governor to provide her with all objections filed against…

Sarah Wescot-Williams off to Curacao for a meeting of the “Strong Women of the Kingdom”

  The SWK is an initiative of State Secretary, Mrs. Ank Bijleveld and was started in 2007. The SWK consists of several women in influential positions from all the islands…

Governor Johnson Chairs first 2009 Disaster meeting with ESFs in Saba

  On Monday, Lt. Governor Jonathan Johnson chaired a Hurricane Disaster Planning meeting and called upon all Emergency Support Facilities to attend. Johnson informed the team that there was a…


Earlier this year, during the month of February & March the Cycle II teachers followed the module of the Project Approach during the Teacher Retraining & Upgrading Program. During the…

Meeting between State Secretary and Commissioner William Marlin

  On Monday afternoon Commissioner of Constitutional Affairs, William Marlin had his first official meeting with Dutch State Secretary Mrs. Ank Bjleveld Schouten, since assuming responsibility for Constitutional Affairs. William…