Press Release From the Ministry of Constitutional and Home Affairs The Honorable Roland E. Duncan


Port of Spain, Trinidad- Delegates from Eight member and Associate states and Six International and Regional Organizations attended the 17th Meeting on Disaster Risk Reduction at the Association of Caribbean States Headquarters in Port of Spain, Trinidad on May 29th 2009.


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The Netherlands Antilles was represented by Ms. Ari Sutton, Policy Assistant at the Ministry of Constitutional and Home Affairs. The Primary objective of the meeting was to renew the focal points in the area of Disaster Risk Reduction and to strengthen the National Platforms of the Membership. The Netherlands Antilles took this opportunity to strengthen its ties in the region and reestablish contacts with other member states.

The Association of Caribbean States (ACS) is an organization comprising of 25 member states and 3 Associate Members. The primary objective of the ACS is to strengthen regional cooperation and integration in the region and promote sustainable development of the Greater Caribbean. The Netherlands Antilles is an Associate Member of the ACS.