Central Committee meets with Minister Dick


On Friday, April 03, 2009, there was a Central Committee meeting to which Minister of Justice, David Dick was invited to give an update on several ongoing projects and other policy matters.

The meeting was chaired by Councilman Theodore Heyliger. Not present with notice were council members: Leroy de Weever, Roy Marlin, and Sarah Wescot-Williams. Present were council lady Maria Buncamper-Molanus, and Williams Marlin, Patrick Illidge, and Frans Richardson.


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Minister Dick briefed the gathering on the issues that are important and relevant to the future country St. Maarten in the area of Justice. In his overview, Minister Dick talked about the future department of Justice, the Police Corps, Prison system, Family and Child Welfare, among other institutions. He explained what St. Maarten was in the process of doing, how it was going, and future challenges.

In the area of setting up the Ministry of Justice Mr. Richard Gibson, Sr., was also present.

Minister David Dick further explained about the changes at the Police Station, Recruitment, Prosecutors office, Immigration Department, the Information Technology system within the Justice field, as well as the issue of scanners and servers at the Airport.