Communique OBA Meeting

A delegation of business owners headed by association president, Mr. Etienne Bryan accompanied by Mrs. Elaine Nestor-Hubert, Mr. Laurent Flanders and Mr. George Gumbs were received by President Frantz Gumbs and 1st Vice-President Daniel Gibbs this morning.

This meeting was an opportunity for the business owners to express their concerns and propositions on how to create an environment that would be conducive to the development of business and commerce in their area.


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Among the propositions that they presented to government were:

· Re-evaluation of the strict requirements of European norms which have proven to be a handicap to businesses that are in strict competition with those on the Dutchside of the island

· Re-evaluation of the period during which sales can be held as the current rules hinder the opportunity for businesses to be competitive.

· Better control on immigration

· Establishment of a business management curriculum within the high-school

· Re-enforcement of measures to improve public safety

· Study of the possibility of creating a Free Zone in French Quarter for a 10 year period

· Improvement of the road network in French Quarter

During the exchange of ideas that took place during the two hour meeting the Collectivité outlined propositions that were already being developed for improving and helping the business sector. Among the solutions that were cited was the fact that a call for bids had already been initiated for the resurfacing of internal roads in French Quarter (some resurfacing had already commenced). In addition, programs such as a plan for helping to fund start-up businesses and training youngsters to manage their business were in process and due to commence after the vote of the 2009 budget.

President Gumbs suggested that a follow-up to the meeting be scheduled.