Saba holds first Central Committee meeting 2009, 1st Newsletter delivered


On Tuesday February 3rd at 2PM the Central Committee of Saba met at the administration building. The meeting was Chaired by Rolando Wilson, who was pleased to see everyone at the meeting and stated that he looks forward to having a prosperous relationship throughout 2009. The Lieutenant Governor was invited by the Central Committee to give an update on important issues such as immigration, the future BES Corps, and the cabinet of the Lieutenant Governor. The Central Committee deemed it necessary that the Governor be present for these updates and would like to schedule these information sessions regularly.

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Commissioner Zagers gave the committee a rundown on the results of the trip the Nevis. Zagers updated the council on the discussions that took place on Nevis, the workings of geothermal power, and Saba’s future possibilities.

During the meeting, the Commissioners had a chance to officially hand over the first GIS newsletter of 2009. The Chairman of the Central Committee, Mr. Rolando Wilson, was happy to receive this newsletter and stated, "Communication is always vital in Government. I am happy to see this newsletter being issued to inform the people of Saba".

The GIS newsletter can be found at the administration building and local grocery stores in The Bottom and Windwardside.