Landlord commits arson


On Monday December 15th at around 11.00 p.m. the lady with initials M.G.K. ,living in an appartment on Copenhagen drive, filed an official report with the detective dept. stating, that on the same evening, her land lord with initilas J.P. from Sint Kitts intentionally set the electrical meterbox to her appartment on fire. She further stated that she believes that the reason for him committing that act is, because the landlord wants all tennants living in that appartment building to leave and look for somewhere else to live. He wants the tennants to leave for him to do repairs to the building. However the tennants have not yet found an adequite and affordable appartment for them to leave. On the arrival of the police patrol on the scene that evening the landlord was found. On Tuesday morning the police patrol was again called to the scene. The patrol had also recievd information that the landlord was in the possesion of a fire-arm. This time the patrol met landlord and while speaking to him admitted to have set the meterbox on fire and also admited having a fire-arm. The patrol found a loaded 12 gauge riot-shotgun in the home of the suspect. The shotgun was confiscated for further investigation. The suspect was arrested on the spot and taken to the Philipsburg Police station where he was put into custody in connection with this case.

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During this investigation one man was also arrested for the possesion of marihuana. This marihuana was found in his home packed in small plastic bags ready for sale. The names of the suspect had not yet been released. This man was arrested and taken to the Philipsburg Police station, where he is held for questioning.