Mental Health New Building and New Pscyhiatrist

October 1, 2008 the foundation recieved the key’s to a second building rented for the clinic.
Since Dr. Ferero the new psychiatrist also started to work the keys were symbolically handed to her by the owner of the building.
In the picture: in the back from left to right, Saskia Cox, Jim Elzen
in front Dr. Cheryl Ferero, Eileen Healy and Natasha Richardson handing over the keys.
The day care will remain in the present location, the clinic and nursing care will move to the newly rented building.

October is also Mental Health Month and from October 10 to 12 a Naskho conference for psychiatry will be held at the AUC.
For more information check our website and the link to the Naskho and AUC link. 

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