Commissioner Laveist calls on community to be vigilant as kids go back-to-school this week

Commissioner Laveist calls on community to be vigilant as kids go back-to-school this week

Commissioner responsible for Transportation Affairs Louie Laveist, is appealing to the community that this week thousands of school kids will be returning back-to-school and that they should pay extra attention while driving on the road and near school facilities.

The Commissioner added that back-to-school is a very exciting time for students, parents and educators and with another school year about to begin, everyone has to contribute to help make our school zones safer and improve traffic safety. 

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New traffic rules were implemented last year August such as the mandatory wearing of safety seat belts; children have to be properly secured in a child restraint safety seat; it is forbidden to use your cell phone while driving, only hands-free devices are allowed; and it is mandatory for vehicles to stop at marked pedestrian crossings thereby giving pedestrians right of way.

With school in session, there will be significantly more traffic. Pedestrians, buses and parents all contribute to school zone congestion.

"The streets will be busy this week and as our young people move back into the classroom after the summer holidays, motorists must exercise caution.

"Motorists should exercise a heightened awareness in and around a school zone. Potential hazards are much easier to perceive when driving at a slow speed in a school zone. I would like to wish all students, parents and teachers much success for the new school year," Commissioner Louie Laveist told the Government Information Service (GIS) on Friday.