Press Release from National Alliance Councilman George Pantophlet

 Press Release from National Alliance councilman George Pantophlet Disappointed with Government’s Response

National Alliance councilman George Pantophlet said that he was extremely disappointed with the information he received from the Executive council on his letter of January 31, 2008 in which he requested information on Dutch technical assistance working for the civil apparatus. It took the Executive council 6 months before providing the councilman with the information on 3 Dutch technical assistants and that they are being paid by our Dutch development aid. And these persons have no counterparts. He learnt from the executive council that he did not ask the right questions. He should have asked for the names of those contracted through consultancies such as the Interim Head of the Personnel Department. He should have asked for the names of persons working in the Island receiver’s office, economic affairs, census office, General Affairs, Finance Department and the legal affairs departments and others. These are not technical assistants but they are working for and being paid by our tax payers. The councilman said the November 2, 2006 accord states that the Netherlands will assist the Netherlands Antilles and the island territories in its preparation to become country. But if the executive council wants to make us a Province of the Netherlands then they should say so. Withholding such vital information from the people of St. Maarten is wrong. He will be drafting another letter to the Executive council asking the right questions and hopes to get the answers before Christmas. This is not about politics or political affiliation it is about the interest of the people of St. Maarten.

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