Men’s Health

 Men’s Health

In the calendar of observances the month of June is identified, annually, as Men’s Health month. The calendar of observances is aimed at promoting health related issues and topics during a designated time of the year. The Preventive Health Department Section PEP of Sector Health Care Affairs is in the process of planning activities during the month of June.

The Theme for this year is "Be Responsible: take charge of your health"

This years theme will focus on the prevention aspects of men’s health.

The "How Healthy is St. Maarten" health study that was done in 1999 revealed that:

Exercise: 76% of the population did not exercise primarily due to lack of time or energy

Eating habits: 69% does not have breakfast daily

63% does not have vegetables daily

66% does not have fruits daily.

Weight: more than 50% of men in all age groups were overweight (obese)

Chronic disorders: High blood pressure and Diabetes Mellitus (sugar disease) are among the most common chronic disorders.

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Some tips to help you enjoy good health

Be Alert to Your Body’s Warning Signs

Regular self-examinations of your entire body, including your testes, can help know what is "normal" and what is not.

Schedule Regular Checkups

Have your blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugar checked. Early detection and treatment of health problems is essential to enjoying a healthy life.

Practice Good Personal Hygiene

Keep your skin, hair and teeth clean and healthy. Regular washing and grooming are the keys.

Avoid Harmful Habits

-Limit your use of alcohol.

-Don’t smoke or use any tobacco products. Cut down if you can’t quit.

-Don’t use illegal drugs, and minimize your use of nonprescription drugs.

-Get help if you have a problem with alcohol or other drugs.

Be a Safe Driver

-Always wear your safety belt.

-Be a courteous driver, and watch out for pedestrians and bicyclists.

-Never drink and drive.

-Avoid talking on your cellular phone without a headset while driving.

Practice Responsible/Safe Sex

When it comes to sex, you’ll have to make a choice. You can:

-Abstain from sex

-Restrict your sexual activity

-Use a new latex condom properly.

Note: Do not use ineffective methods of prevention, such as withdrawal or makeshift


Get Enough Sleep

The best way to begin any day is to wake up refreshed.

Nutrition and Physical Activity

One of the keys to good health is nutrition and physical activity. Your food should have a lot of minerals and vitamins in them such as fruits vegetables, whole grain and low or nonfat dairy.

Healthy eating is important because when combined with exercise, it can help you lose weight, lower your cholesterol level and improve the way your body functions on a daily basis.

Your diet should be low in sugar and sodium (salt), consist of foods from the six (6) basic food groups: 1 grains, 2 fruits, 3 vegetables, 4 meats and beans, 5 dairy and 6 fats. However it should be limited in high-fat foods since this can increase your risk factors for several diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and can contribute to obesity (severe over weight).

Try to incorporate more of these nutrients in your daily diet: Calcium, Potassium, Fiber Magnesium Vitamins A, C, and E.

Be sure to read the nutrition facts label on foods before buying them.

Regular physical activity benefits your body and your mind, leading to a longer life and improved health. Try to get 30 minutes or more of moderate physical activity on most and preferably all days of the week. Exercises that promote good health include walking, jogging, biking and swimming.

Exercise gives you more energy, builds strength and can help reduce stress.

Chronic Illnesses

High blood pressure (13%) and Diabetes Mellitus (sugar disease) (3.5%) are among the most common chronic disorders in St. Maarten.

High blood pressure & diabetes things you should know:

– they can run in the family you can have either of them without knowing it, you don’t feel anything in particular

– They can have serious consequences that can be partly prevented if the disorder is diagnosed and treated on time.

If not, other parts of the body can be affected (with diabetes for example, the kidneys) or the disorder may lead to a

permanent handicap.








That can prevent these disorders- EATING HABITS (WHICH FOOD TO CHOOSE

Or keep them from getting worst are: – WEIGHT CONTROL (HOW MUCH TO EAT & EXERCISE)


Cancer of the male reproductive system

Testicular Cancer

Is one of the most common types of cancer in men age 15-34. It begins in one or both of testicles. A normal testicle is about the size of a golf ball and is round, smooth and firm.

A man is more likely to get testicular cancer if any of the following are true about him:

– has a father or brother who has or has had testicular cancer.

– has small testicles or testicles that aren’t shaped normally.

– has a testicle that did not come down into the scrotum (called an un-descended testicle).

This applies even if surgery was done to remove the testicle or bring it down.

Warning signs:

– hard painless lump (about the size of a pea) on a testicle (this is the most common sign)

– slight enlargement of a testicle

– a heavy feeling in the testes

– pain, swelling or discomfort in the testes or scrotum

– dull ache in the groin or lower abdomen

– change in the consistency of the testes

– breast tenderness

Your doctor can check your testicles during an exam. Another good way to check for testicular cancer is a testicular self-examination. Perform a testicular self-examination (TSE) every month.

See your health care provider immediately if you notice any warning sighs of testicular cancer. The key to recovery is early detection and prompt treatment.

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found most often in men over age 50. However, it can be seen in men of any age.

Rates of prostate cancer vary across the world. For unknown reasons, in American black men are at higher risk than white men. Other factors that put men at higher risk for prostate caner are: men with a family history (father or a brother) of prostate cancer, men who eat a diet high in fat and are obese

In the early stages of prostate cancer there are often no symptoms. As the cancer grows the symptoms are more likely to appear.

Check with your doctor if you have any of these symptoms:

– Difficulty starting urination

– Less force to the stream of urine

– Dribbling after you finish urinating

– Frequent urination especially at night

– Blood or pus in the urine

– Pain with ejaculation

– Pain while urinating

– Hip and lower back pain that does not go away over time

– Pain in the lower part of your pelvis

– Unintended weight loss and/or loss of appetite

Your doctor can screen/check for prostate cancer by

– doing a digital rectal exam this is by putting a gloved, lubricated finger a few inches into your rectum to feel your prostate gland, a normal prostate feels firm

– doing a blood test called the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test at a high level of PSA in the blood may be prostate cancer, however, this can also be seen in other less serious causes such as infection (prostatitis) and enlargement of the prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)

When a man has a screening test that indicates an increased risk of prostate cancer, or has symptoms, more invasive evaluation is offered.

The only test which can fully confirm the diagnosis of prostate cancer is a biopsy – the removal of small pieces of the prostate via the rectum for microscopic examination.

Treatment may involve watchful waiting, surgery, radiation therapy, and drug therapy or some combination. The treatment option depends on the stage of the disease, the PSA level and the Gleason score (the microscopic features).


PRACTICE good health habits and avoid harmful ones.

KNOW the warning signs of potential problems.

SEEK medical help early if a problem arises.

Good health helps you get the most out of your life!