Commissioner Wescot gives constitutional update to Rotary Club

Commissioner Wescot gives constitutional update to Rotary club



On Wednesday, March 26, 2008 , Commissioner Sarah Wescot-Williams had a presentation to the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten. The commissioner was invited by the Club to address its members on current affairs of our island.

Many members were present during the presentation/luncheon at the Divi Little Bay Hotel, where Commissioner Wescot-Williams spoke about the latest developments, especially in the   constitutional area. The audience included visiting Rotarians, some of whom were from the United States and Anguilla .

Commissioner Wescot methodically pointed out the progression of meetings and agreements that took place in order to get to where we are. A lot of hard work and negotiating went into every step. The Commissioner explained as well the complexity involved in changing the Kingdom charter; Kingdom Laws; Kingdom resolution, etc.

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Thus, while a whole lot of work has been done, the job is far from over. Every day practically you hear something in the media about constitutional matters.

Commissioner Wescot-Williams explained the position on joint agreements regarding immigration, prisons, and the monetary system. While all entities in the Kingdom have their individual responsibilities in this process, there remain matters that can only be realized in collaboration between all partners, e.g the division of the un-allocated debt of the Central Government and the division of assets and liabilities.

The commissioner also outlined what in her view were indispensable elements for the establishment of Country St. Maarten. Concretely: â??What needs to be in place to become country St. Maarten?â?

One: a constitution: we need to be regulated by laws, free and fair elections, councils of advice, organic laws have to be drawn up, rules of order for parliament, budgets, and of course the organization of Country Sint Maarten.

The Commissioner explained the Social Economic Initiative (SEI), as the plan to ensure that the social development of our island is in tandem with economic development.

As such this plan deals with issues such as immigration and labor, infrastructure/roads and data collection. Other Social items are: Social Security, national health care and the   Pension fund, and compulsory education.

â??We have also engaged in capacity building, training persons to work in and for the Country St. Maartenâ?, the Commissioner explained.

After the commissionerâ??s presentation, a question and answer segment followed, prompting the remark that the information presented by the Commissioner and the many documents referred to should be made easily accessible.

As usual, Commissioner Wescot-Williams pointed out that we have to keep ourselves informed.  â??I urge you to not only get informed, but to get involved in what ever way you can for the future Country St. Maarten.â?

 The Rotary Club meeting ended after The President of the Club, Mr. Bert Hoffman, thanked the commissioner for her clear update on constitutional matters.